Technical Assistance to CEFTA Structures


Project Description

Technical Assistance to CEFTA Structures on Negotiations of Framework Agreement in Customs and CEFTA Secretariat to develop MIS Capacity

Support to CEFTA Parties in their negotiation process of signing a Framework Agreement on Trade Facilitation (Additional Protocol 5 to the CEFTA 2006 Agreement) Technical Assistance to the CEFTA Secretariat for writing of the Technical Specifications (as part of tender dossier) for development of the CEFTA Management Information System

Beneficiary/ Beneficiaries Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Mission in Kosovo (UMNIK) on behalf of Kosovo in accordance with the UNCS Resolution no: 1244
Description Detailed The overall objective of the project is to support the efforts of CEFTA Parties in implementing the provisions of CEFTA in a way to promote and facilitate the regional trade as prioritized by the South East Europe 2020 Strategy.

The purposes of this project are as follows:
  • To support CEFTA Parties in their negotiation process of signing a Framework Agreement on Trade Facilitation (Additional Protocol to the CEFTA Agreement) with the following objectives:
  • simplification of inspections related to all clearance procedures, and reducing formalities to the possible maximum extent;
  • determination of the means and obligations for exchange of data between customs authorities to the extent that each national legislation allows;
  • recognise mutually national Authorised Economic Operators Programmes in each CEFTA Party provided that both legislation and implementation of each national programme is fully in line with the relevant EU acquis;
Recognise EU Authorised Economic Operators by each CEFTA Party
  • To assist CEFTA Parties in negotiating the scope of the above mentioned Framework Agreement in a way to utilise all existing and future capacities of regional and bi-lateral IT systems of which the Customs authorities and other border agencies are users.
  • To provide assistance to the CEFTA Secretariat to elaborate technical concepts and specifications of developing its Management Information System to better respond to the upcoming priorities for the period between 2015 and 2020.
  • Assistance to CEFTA Parties
    • Brainstorming and discussion with each individual CEFTA Party on possible IT solutions and / or implications to the negotiation topics. Providing technical advice and consultancy to individual CEFTA Parties for their internal consultations (discussion between various institutions) during preparation of their negotiation positions, especially with the regard to the issues and challenges related to the  Technical Annex (such as: preparation of a list of documents that have to be issued by relevant technical inspections – for the products (HS8 codes) that are consisting 80% of overall bilateral trade between each pair of the CEFTA Parties);
  • Assistance to CEFTA Structures
    • Contribution in preparation of the negotiation sessions (Agenda, Objectives, draft Conclusions…)
    • Presence in each negotiation round, provided technical consultancy during the negotiation sessions for both Working Groups on Custom Risk Management and Electronic Exchange of Information
  • Preparation following documents:
    • Reporting on results negotiations sessions
    • Proposals for amendments/improvements of certain articles of the Framework Agreement related to the ICT issues
  • Working materials for each negotiation session
  • Reports on Applicability of Framework Agreement by existing IT capacities, and improvement/ developments of the “IT Specific” articles of the Framework Agreement
  • Analyzing all the technical specifications of existing database of the CEFTA secretariat
  • System Analysis of the CEFTA secretariat
  • Identification of the available sources of international, regional and national information relevant to trade in/with CEFTA Region
  • Collection of Requirements
  • Documenting of Requirements
  • Assessment of the available hardware and software infrastructure at CEFTA Secretariat HQ
  • Proposal for improvements of the HW/SW infrastructure
  • Technical specifications of hardware and software needs, and Terms of reference of IT service, including a budgetary estimate
  • System Analysis document
  • Report on “Required scope of the functionalities for the future CEFTA Secretariat’s IT tools”

Project Details

  • LocationBrisel, Belgija
  • Main Contractor/ PartnerCEFTA sekretarijat
  • Timeline05/12/2014 – 05/06/2016
  • StatusZavršeno