Razvoj novog sistema za Poresku i carinsku upravu Crne Gore – Nacionalni carinski informacioni sistem (CDS) zasnovan na principima i standardima Carinskog informacionog sistema EU.
Nova aplikacija za akcize Uprave carina Crne Gore omogućava jednostavniju i unaprijeđenu komunikaciju između obveznika akciza / obveznika posebnih poreza (porez na kafu) i Uprave carina.
Opći cilj projekta bio je podržati proces modernizacije javne uprave putem razvoja administrativnih kapaciteta Uprave carina za potpunu implementaciju i upotrebu IT rješenja za proces upravljanja inspekcijom.
The project is providing preventive support and maintenance for the entire SEED information and communication infrastructure
Development of a regional AR database of information dedicated to the related legislation, processes, procedures and the published rulings, covering the 7 CEFTA parties
SEED Maintenance is a follow-up of previously provided technical assistance and logistic support to the Western Balkans six Customs Authorities
A project to enhance the transparency of trade and investment trends and flows amongst CEFTA Parties and CEFTA Parties with their major partners
Development of Publication server, design and development of IT tool for presentation of the OCR-ed files and development of on-line search tool for the IIP public Web Site
Agreement relating to the supply of the ICT system for the National Patent Register in the Institute for the Intellectual Property Office (IIP BiH) in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Procjena/analiza postojećih poslovnih procesa i nadogradnja informacionog sistema u Federalnoj upravi za inspekcijske poslove koji uključuje izradu web aplikacije za prekograničnu kontrolu roba
Enhance transparency on all types of trade measures of the CEFTA parties
Modification of the Transparency Pack in the MADB (Market Access Data Base) and TBT Platform (Technical Barriers to Trade Platform)
Technical Assistance to CEFTA Structures on Negotiations of Framework Agreement in Customs and CEFTA Secretariat to develop MIS Capacity
Konsultacije iz oblasti informacionih tehnologija, prijedlozi za primjenu analize rizika i sistem za upravljanje rizikom za potrebe fitosanitarne inspekcije
Svrha ovog Projekta je pružanje podrške carinskim upravama zemalja korisnica u njihovim nastojanjima da uvedu SEED sistem za razmjenu poruka unaprijed.
IT Consultancy – Describing of the Agency workflow, Assessment of the current IT and communication capacities, GAP analysis, Identification and prioritization of Agency’s needs
Konsultantske usluge iz informacionih tehnologija, konsultacije u vezi sa carinskom komponentom, sistemi za automatsku obradu podataka